I will never trust cops again

I hate when I do something illegal and then get in trouble for it

like damn, it was illegal, but do you have to be so "that was illegal" about it?

MGMTLOVER. You don't need to be banned from this forum. You can just leave. Every time I look up you have some thing else rude to say about law enforcement. Now you're being disrespectful towards my wife. You can thank your lucky stars that I don't know where you are. You're just a dumb little twit that doesn't know when to let stuff go. BARTSTAR told you to get off it but you want to keep it going and now you've decided to insult my wife. I'm going out to Colorado this weekend. You don't by chance live out there, do you? I just want to see if you'll talk smack about my wife to my face
Hey sniperkill, this wasn't what you were talking about was it?

Wichita driver snaps pic of cop texting and driving

Read more: http://www.kshb.com/dpp/news/state/...-pic-of-cop-texting-and-driving#ixzz2fkvgZLID



No bro, I'm talking about a different cop. This is a cop that I was following back to my warehouse from my last job. No, I wouldn't post something like that anyways. I wouldn't want to cost him his job, as he might have a family to support. Just because that one cop wants to be a jerk, doesn't mean they are all like that. I don't hate most cops, I just think that a lot of cops have gotten into some VERY bad habbits. If someone gets pulled over by a speed trap set by cops, well they deserve to get a speeding ticket. But the cops don't have to be a ass about it, or use sarcasm. Really, cops are people too, as you run into good ones, and you run into bad ones. I do think there a lot more good ones than bad. But texting and driving is bad news no matter who is doing it!!!
You guys that are Cop banshers, blow me away. Why do you automatically assume the Officer is doing personal business when texting?
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The kid told the reporter that seeing the Officer texting, floored him. I thought the poor kid kid felt victimized by the Police Officer texting. I'll bet you Cop bashers actually spill your coffee when you see a cop speeding. The first thing you scmucks do is reach for your cell phones to call the police department to tell them that their Officer is speeding.
Bunch of little pansy assed victims
Intresting read through here

When I get pulled over 'occasionally' I roll the window down, put both hands on the steering wheel until told it is ok to remove hands from wheel
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