Say nothing, Do nothing, Be nothing...

CNN implies that Brandon is in some big trouble with the current polling
Brandon says the polls are all wrong. He's either an idiot, or the dems have something up their sleeve to cheat.
Brandon says NO to including RFK jr to these debates at the end of June
When it comes right down to it, I'll be surprised if these debates even happen. Brandon has made such ridiculous demands how these debates are to come off, I can't believe orangeman will agree to all of them. The format is all one sided to help brandon, not to mention cheat.
So Brandon authorized use of deadly force to engage orangeman and the secret service in Florida in August 2o22

What the F is going on??
Orangeman is sort of limited to how many rallies he can do outside of being tied up in court by brandon. He's gotta get the best bang for the buck.
Brandon almost got best bang for the buck authorizing the justice department agents to engage orangeman and secret service as necessary in August 2o22 in Florida

what the F is going on ??!?
Many of these average ordinary citizens I imagine are ticked that the illegal newcomers came into their community and now getting all the goodies that belong to them the citizens
Not to change the subject, but all hell broke loose a little while area neighbors dog was snooping around my yard/garden where I installed several rat traps to off these pesky chipmunks that have been causing damage to some of my plants. Well the pooch got nailed in one of the traps, wailing like a scolded cat, where another neighbor came to the rescue to remove the trap from the dog's paw. So far no one knows where the dog got caught in the trap....and I ain't telling. I'm out a trap, but hopefully this dog learn a lesson not to roam near my garden.