Alarm sounding during and after a rainstorm, and 3 am at night! ugh!!!

Big Rich

New Member
I have an 09 with an after-market alarm (I was told by the dealers tech) and it has a nasty habit of sounding the horns about 3 hours after the truck gets wet. I discovered last night that I don't even have to have driven it in the rain for the alarm to go off. It was dry when I parked it. At 3 am this is really frustrating to me and my neighbors. The button that activates the alarm on the lower left dash is about a quarter inch round red illuminated push button. That's about all I know. Can anyone help me chase down the offending component or tell me how to de-activate it short of tearing the dash apart? With my horns un-plugged I can't get peoples attention to let them know that driving instructions are about to be given. Thanks.