Odd vehicle paint colors


Well-Known Member
Been noticing a lot of primer gray vehicles on the roads over the last year including some high end beemers that from first glance they look unfinished. You expect to see that in communist run countries. What gives, or is this just a fad we're going through?
Its a cost reduction program at the beemer's factory.

Paint choice is extra $$. Primer gray is standard at no extra charge.

Everyone is pinching $$ due to the non-inflation economy..............
Hey everyone!

I've been working on an essay about how to start a business and came across an amazing resource _ that I think could help a lot of us. This article provides detailed advice and examples on how to write a how to start a business essay. It covers everything from choosing a business idea to creating a business plan and developing a marketing strategy.
I used the tips from this guide for my own essay, and it made the whole process so much easier and more organized. If you’re struggling with where to begin or how to structure your essay, I highly recommend checking it out.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and any other resources you might suggest.
You don't need any essay bs. I'm as old school as it gets when it comes to running a business. I ran my own shop for years once done with my racing career till the time I retired. When your, your own boss the days of taking vacations are over. It's working hard 24/7 to be successful. A good accountant can make, or break you. Not only that, surround yourself with good employees that you can trust.