The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

Well not ready to trade the taco. Not a bad truck. This on is SV package. It’s not as good as my taco but it is a rental. 8800 miles 2017 model
Things are good here too I finally got the one of the rear drums off of the pickup after its sat for 20 years which is a decent feat. I also finished removing the cut tire for the atc and having the new tires put on by a shop. It took forever to remove the tire off. Someone had cut it all the way around so I had to use a screw driver knife needle nose and a wire cutter and an hour of my time but finally remover itIMG_1929.JPG
Those drums can be difficult too! Whack 'em with a hammer on the front and they usually come off.....sometimes a shot of WD40 or PB Blaster around the center opening helps too by loosening the rust.